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【739】レベル5 Some people are so changed
レベル5  管理人 E-MAILWEB  - 06/7/23(日) -

  Some people are so changed by their life's experience that in old age they behave in completely unexpected ways. Many of us know elderly men and women who no longer act as we have come to expect them to act. I am not talking here about victims of senile dementia*. In the examples I am talking of the person continues to behave in what most people would agree is a normal manner, but one so remote from his old self that he appears, to those who know him, to be someone else entirely.
(注) senile dementia : 老年性痴呆
――東京大学 〔4〕―(C)――89年


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【739】レベル5 Some people are so changed 管理人 06/7/23(日) レベル5
┗ 【741】Re:レベル5 Some people are so changed 茶蔵(一浪) 06/7/24(月)
┗ 【748】■8/10■ 管理人 06/8/5(土)

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