Mecca is a city in 通常モード

Mecca is a city inにようこそ。現在、挑戦者数は93人です。

第1問目   93人中 67人正解 (72.0%) 平均正解時間 210.11秒

(1) People who visit Mecca
  are pilgrims from many different countries.
  have increased by hundreds of thousands every year.
  have increased by several million every year.
  are Moslems who trade there but do not pray there.

第2問目   93人中 71人正解 (76.3%) 平均正解時間 107.40秒

(2) Mecca is regarded as
  the most popular place for all travelers to enter freely.
  the most beautiful place on earth for tourists.
  the place to decide if travelers are Moslems or not.
  the most religious place on earth for Moslems.

第3問目   93人中 61人正解 (65.5%) 平均正解時間 202.95秒

(3) Some adventurers disguised themselves as Moslems
  to increase the number of pilgrims.
  to pass through the inspection points.
  to go through Jidda to Mecca.
  to become pious pilgrims.

第4問目   93人中 65人正解 (69.8%) 平均正解時間 217.88秒

(4) How do most people arrive at Mecca today?
  By boat.
  In buses and cars.
  Mostly by air.
  On camels.

第5問目   93人中 54人正解 (58.0%) 平均正解時間 118.38秒

(5) The author says that today in Mecca
  poor pilgrims are no longer a common sight.
  all the pilgrims must wear white robes, as in the past.
  everything has changed as compared with the past.
  some things like clothing have changed over hundreds of years.


■CGI:qqq systems Ver2.08