高3レベル別読解教室 *

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レベル1 20語から100語までの文脈把握

□合格者の声――〇4回くらい挑戦したが、ケアレスミスをせずにパーフェクトをとるのが難しかった 〇落ち着いて読むとわかるけれど、時間を気にしたりしてあやうくひっかかりそうになった。〇運が良かった!? ○がんがんいくぞ。○やさしめでした。高校受験用みたいでした。時間は考えていませんでした。初回で合格しました。お世話になります。(九条さん、大検受験予定) ○英語が大好きです。英語の先生になりたいな。(eikoさん、高2) ○ なかなか早く読むことができないのでいい訓練になります(ジャックさん、高3) さらに

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□合格者の声――〇運が良かった!?〇ちょっと答えに疑問(ちょっと変!?)があるところがあったけれど、数回のチャレンジの結果何とかクリア。○ コメント = とにかく面白かった。(no さん、高3)○何回も受けてやっと受かりました。読解力の無さがよくわかりました。こういう問題が無料でうけられて、うれしいです。(kouunnさん、卒業して?年) さらに

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After the New Year's holidays, I went to the bank. There were long lines everywhere so I decided to go back in a few days hoping that (  ).  [京都産業大]
(1) the lines would be shorter (2) there would be another holiday
(3) the long lines would still be there (4) the bank would have enough money
□合格者の声――〇難しかったけど楽しい。(ひさ吉さん)○7,8問ぐらいまではできたのですが、その後がなかなかできませんでした。自分の読解力の無さを痛感しました。(kouunnさん、卒業して?年)○本当に難しかったです。数時間かけました(満喜子さん、高1) さらに

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□合格者の声――〇一見簡単そうなのによく読まないと足元をすくわれる問題でした!(ななこさん、社会人) さらに

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□合格者の声――〇 さらに

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例題――About fifteen hundred years ago the Japanese imported many aspects of Chinese culture: the writing system, political institutions, and perhaps most important, Buddhism.――センター
□合格者の声――〇 さらに

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例題――Most people know that cigarette smoking is harmful to their health. ..... As a result, they have passed laws that prohibit people from smoking in many public places. Currently, 45 states in the United States have laws that restrict or limit smoking.――平安女学院大短大部
□合格者の声――〇 さらに

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例題――It was early morning. Peter Corbett helped Mark Wellman out of his wheelchair and onto the ground. They stood before El Capitan, a huge mass of rock almost three-quarters of a mile high in California's beautiful Yosemite Valley. It had been Mark's dream to climb El Capitan for as long as he could remember. But how could a person without the use of his legs hope to try to climb the highest vertical cliff on earth?――センター試験
□合格者の声――〇 さらに

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例題――I seldom ride long distance buses, but these past few days had been enough to convince me that there is little romance to them. As a traveler who usually finds himself in airports, I had become tired of this week's endless hours in dark, smelly buses, heading slowly between places that no other form of public transportation serves.――京都産業大学
□合格者の声――〇 さらに

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例題――One man, it might be said, once fought an army. Ancient historians tell us that the man was old, over seventy. The army was (1)that of the strongest power in the world -- Rome itself.――青山学院大学大学
□合格者の声――〇 さらに

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例題――Where was the first city? Fifty years ago, archaeologists would have pointed to Mesopotamia, the land between the Rivers Tigiris and Euphrates. Here, it was thought, was the 'cradle of civilization,' the area that produced the great cities of Ur and Babylon. This surely was the place where urban life began and from where the idea of the city spread to the rest of Asia and to Europe.――早大
□合格者の声――〇 さらに

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例題――The degree to which males and females are socially unequal has varied, both cross-culturally and historically, from near equality to radical female disadvantage. Such variation is linked to the type of technology and economy (e.g., industrial, agrarian, horticultural, foraging) and to women's role in the economy. Women's status relative to men's in a given society is closely related to that society's dominant, gender-related ideology, whether secular, religious, or both. Dominant, gender-related ideology refers to the manner in which a society defines appropriate behavior, personality, interests, and so on for each sex and justifies any differences in their rights, duties, and rewards. When women are disadvantaged relative to men in their access to socially valued resources and the dominant ideology explains and justifies such disadvantage, we use the term sexism. Sexism in some degree is universal in contemporary societies.――慶応義塾大学
□合格者の声――〇 さらに




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