Technology -- Good or Bad? 通常モード

Technology -- Good or Bad?にようこそ。現在、挑戦者数は83人です。

第1問目   83人中 61人正解 (73.4%) 平均正解時間 217.04秒

問1 Where can we find technology?
  We can find it everywhere.
  We can find it only in our homes.
  We can find it only when we use the washing machine.
  We can find it only outside of our homes.

第2問目   83人中 49人正解 (59.0%) 平均正解時間 230.42秒

問2 Is washing clothes easier now?
  Yes, it's done automatically.
  Yes, it's usually good.
  No, it was much easier then.
  No, it's still difficult.

第3問目   83人中 54人正解 (65.0%) 平均正解時間 237.87秒

問3 Why do many people think technology is bad?
  Because technology is in our homes, cars, offices, and hospitals.
  Because people read or exercise more.
  Because we now do everything ourselves.
  Because too much technology makes our minds and bodies unhealthy.

第4問目   83人中 53人正解 (63.8%) 平均正解時間 243.34秒

問4 What do many children prefer to do now?
  They prefer to play outside.
  They prefer to study all day.
  They prefer to play video games all day on their computers.
  They prefer to read and exercise hard.

第5問目   83人中 52人正解 (62.6%) 平均正解時間 248.66秒

問5 What should we do with technology in the future?
  We should be clever enough to play computer games.
  We should be more indifferent toward it.
  We should control it wisely.
  We should exercise harder.


■CGI:qqq systems Ver2.08