
今日の長文問題―― [an error occurred while processing this directive]
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英検準2級のレベルは、「高校中級程度 日常生活に必要な平易な英語を理解し、特に口頭で表現できる」ということになっています。したがって、中学生で英検準2級を受験する人は、高校1年くらいで学習する文法を少し勉強しておいたほうがいいことになります。だいたいの目安として、難関高校を受験する場合は、高校1・2年範囲の英文法が必要になりますが、英検でいうと、英検準2級になります。とはいっても、それぞれの問題はすべて基本的なもので、基礎的なことだけ理解していればだいじょうぶです。もし、あなたが、中学2年生なら、中学3年生で習う文法(現在完了、受動態、関係代名詞など)を勉強しておく必要があります。さらに、高校範囲の文法として以下の文法を勉強しておく必要があります。とはいっても、英検準2級に必要な文法はきわめて基本的なもので、高校生用の文法書、たとえば、「フォリスト」などを一度、通読しておくといいでしょう。


Mary is (  ) by the telephone company. She enjoys her job very much.  [英検準2級]
(1)employed (2)reduced (3)decided (4)fixed

A: Have you (  ) your new dress yet, Betty?
B: No, Mom. I'm saving it for the dance this weekend.    [英検準2級]
(1)wear (2)wore (3)to wear (4)worn


A: Isn't this the hamburger shop (  ) you worked during high school?
B: Yes. I worked here for two years.    [英検準2級]
(1)what (2)how (3)when (4)where

A: You look so tired. If I (  ) you, I'd try to get more sleep.
B: I know. But I've been too busy.  [英検準2級]
(1)am (2)be (3)are (4)were

Mr. Johnson was injured while he was playing soccer yesterday. He (  ) his warm-up exercises first.  [英検準2級]
(1)should be done (2)should have done (3)would be done (4)would have done

(  ) through the park yesterday, I met an old friend. We sat down and had a nice long talk together.  [英検準2級]
(1)To walk (2)To be walked (3)Walked (4)Walking

英検準2級 (文法・単語・イディオム・並び替え問題)



Nowadays more and more people prefer country life (  ) city life.  [英検準2級]
(1)from (2)than (3)to (4)with


After Tatsuo went to Vancouver, he (  ) a small apartment not far from his school.  [英検準2級]
(1)invented (2)rented (3)chased (4)allowed


Tim likes movies, but he's so busy that he only goes to the movie theater every now and (  ).  [英検準2級]
(1)later (2)then (3)after (4)often


A: Kate, do you know that man over there?
B: Yes. That's Brian. We went to the same high school.
A: Oh, really? (  )
B: Yes. In fact, he used to sit right next to me.  [英検準2級]
(1)Were you teaching him? (2)Were you in the same class? (3)Was it a good high school? (4)Was your school far from home?


日本文の意味を表わすように(  )内の語句を並びかえなさい。そして、2番目4番目にくるものを順に記入しなさい。(例:I to when you)ただし、(  )の中では文頭にくるべき語も小文字で示してあります。
    Everyone knows that exercise is good for the body and helps people live longer. But scientists have (good / that / it's / learned / for) the mind, too. After doing some exercise, people are able to learn faster and remember things more clearly. (people / regular exercise / get / not only feel / who) better, but they can study better as well.  [英検準2級]


を聴いて、その質問に答えなさい。  [英検準2級]
(1)Doing her homework. (2)Visiting many places. (3)Living in California. (4)Making friends.




●●● 読解


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