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【6473】marry の問題募集
お知らせ  管理人 E-MAILWEB  - 06/10/16(月) -

   marry の語法の問題を集めています。現在以下に載せた80問ほど集まりましたが
、あと20問ほど集めたいと思っています。お手持ちの問題集に以下の問題以外で marry に関する問題があれば、投稿してください。問題は指示も選択肢も正解も含めて、どの問題集の何ページにあるかも書いていただければありがたいです。よろしくお願いします。

My sister (  ) a high school teacher last June. [京都産業大]

My cousin got married (  ) a man of thirty right after she graduated from university. [県立広島女大]

We (  ) married for three years. [東京工大]

My brother (  ) his friend's sister last year. [慶大]

Jack and Betty were married (  ) the priest.  [関西外大]

Takeshi finally decided (  ) the girl he had been dating for three years.  [英検2級]

Since her father did not approve of Beth (  ) Jack, they eloped to Mexico. [英検1級]

Would you (  ) me? [武蔵大]

(  ) I finally asked her after five years of friendship.  [天理大]

He finally made up his mind (  ) the girl he had met in Paris two years before. [学習院大]

Tom (  ) his high school classmate. [武庫川女子大]

"What did he say?"
"He asked me (  ) him, and I accepted." [センター]

She (  ) her classmate. [上智大]

"When did you marry Jane?"
"Three years ago."
="How long (  ) you and Jane (  ) (  )?"
"For three years."  [同志社高]

I love my wife. I'm married (  ) a wonderful woman. [沖縄国際大]

He (  ) a very pretty girl. [津田塾大]

My brother (  ) his friend's sister last year. [慶応大]

I hear that Bill and Jane decided (  ).  [京都産業大]

"Is Sarah still single?"
"No. She's married (  ) a doctor." [桃山学院大]

If I were you, I (  ) him.  [中部大]

One of her daughters (  ) to a rich doctor. [福岡大]

His daughter married with a wealthy man. [北九州大]

She married with a Frenchman. [東海大]

He (  ) more than 20 years. [日本大]

Mr. Sato ( ) Miss Kato.                            

文法上あるいは語法上、誤りのあるものを1つ選びなさい。 [日本大]

Yoko wants to marry with him.    Yoko wants to marry him.

A: "Did you hear the news? My sister's (  ) this summer!" [学習院大]

Since her parents would not approve (  ) her boyfriend, they ran away secretly to another country. [京都産業大]

The author of this novel is a Japanese lady (  ) an American and now living in San Francisco. [早大]

We were to (  ) in May but had to postpone the marriage until June. [上智大]

What (A)would you do if a millionaire everyone (B)disliked (C)asks you to (D)marry him? (E)NO ERROR  [早大]

She got married (  ) a rich man. [千葉商大]

When he asked me (  ) him, I thought he was joking. [千葉商科大]

All of us objected to John (  ) her. [東海大]

He invited me to his (  ).  [千葉商科大]

He (  ) these twenty years.  [梅光女学院大短大部]

One of my cousins is married (  ) a novelist.  [西南学院大]

I hear your cousin will (  ) married next month.  [立正大]

John is married (  ) Mary.  [青山学院大]

Jill: You're wearing your wedding ring (  ) the wrong finger.
Pam: I know. I married the wrong man.  [拓殖大]

Miguel Sanches, an electrical engineer, (  ) last year.  [大阪経済大]

They (  ) married in church last year.  [大妻女子短大]

Do you know that he is married (  ) an opera singer?  [大谷大・短大]

One of my daughters (  ) to a rich doctor.  [四天寺国際仏教大]

She (  ) a teacher.  [獨協大]

She was married (  ) the farmer.  [相愛大]

Her father never approved of (  ) Tom Brown.  [東京家政大]

They were married (  ) Christmas morning.  [沖縄キリスト教短大]

They have been married (  ) each other for ten years.  [東京国際大]

When my brother Harry finally got married it was (  ) an old friend of mine.  [東北福祉大]

One of my sisters (  ) a doctor.  [明星大]

He is married (  ) Mary.  [日本大]

Susan (  ) a French man she met aboard a luxurious ship.  [横浜商科大]

Karen (  ) John last June.  [東京工科大]

He (  ) his classmate quite recently.  [北里大]

She has (  ) these seven years.  [東京薬科]

She asked me how long I had (  ) married.  [高岡法科大]

Nancy has (  ) for sixteen years.  [長野県短大]

He (  ) his first sweetheart.  [三島学園女子短大]

Mr. Tanaka (  ) Miss Yamada.  [防衛医科大高等看護学院]

George seems to have decided to (  ) Jane.  [東洋学園大]

I will never force you (  ) him.  [福岡大]

Her father (  ) her to a rich man.  [東横学園女子短大]

He asked (  ) him and she accepted.  [桜美林大]

He married Miss Okada last October.
He married with Miss Okada last October.

My sister is married to a foreigner.    
My sister is married a foreigner.

次の各文に誤りを含む文が1つある。その文を選びなさい。 (立教大)    
Tom thinks that John has been to Kyoto last month.    
At least one person believed that the earth moves around the sun.    
He didn't know that she had been married for ten years.    
He insisted that I accept the offer.                    

They will make a nice (  ) .

I will never force you (  ) him.  [福岡大]

I'm going to attend his (  ) reception.

get (  ) to her

I hear Bob and Nancy have decided (  ).  [明星大]

Finally, my sister is engaged.  [青山学院大]

I want to do a lot of things before I (  ).  [東京経済大]

The prince finally decided (  ) the princess.  [東海大]

She happened to get married (  ) a person who drank too much.  [目白学園女子短大]

Jane is thirty but still single. I wonder when she (  ).  [センター]

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【6473】marry の問題募集 管理人 06/10/16(月) お知らせ

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