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【4346】Today there are many [静岡県立大学 英作文 2006]
 管理人 E-MAILWEB  - 07/4/11(水) -

    次の英文"Two News Sources"の最初の2つのパラグラフ(段落)をよく読んで理解し、3番目と4番目のパラグラフを完成させなさい。3番目のパラグラフは、2番目のパラグラフの主張と3番目のパラグラフのあなたの主張をつなげる文で始めて5〜8文程度の長さで、4番目のパラグラフは全体の結論を述べる1〜2文の長さでまとめなさい。
Two News Sources
Today there are many different media that provide news and information to the public, but television news programs and newspapers amaintain their position as the most important news sources for most people. People continue to use these two media because of certain advantages that each one has.
Almost everyone gets some news from television, and there are a number of reasons for its popularity. First, television has the advantage of immediacy. Viewers can get the news shortly after the event -- or even while the event is taking place. Next, whether the news is "live" or reported later, television can bring moving pictures to the audience to show how and where things took place. Finally, television news is available twenty-four hurs a day. We can access news on television any time we want it or need it.
――静岡県立大学 前期日程/国際関係学部(2月25日実施)――2006年

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【4346】Today there are many [静岡県立大学 英作文 2006] 管理人 07/4/11(水)

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