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【4229】Experts say that [大阪教育大学 和訳 2006]
 管理人 E-MAILWEB  - 07/2/22(木) -


  Experts say that sevearl obvious differences in people affect what they find humorous.
  Infants and children are constantly discovering the world around them. A lot of what goes on seems ridiculous and surprising, which strikes them as funny. What's funny to a toddler consists of short and simple concepts, like an elephant joke. Along with the riduculous and the surprising, children -- much to their parents' dismay -- also appreciate jokes where cruelty is present (it boosts their self-assertiveness) and what we refer to as "toilet humor." To children, a preoccupation with bodily functions is simply another way to exploring their fascinating new environment.
  The pre-teen and teenage years are, almost universally, awkward and tense. Lots of adolescents and teens laugh at jokes that focus on sex, food, authority figures and -- in typical rebellious style -- any subject that adults consider off-limits. It is an insecure time o life and young people often use humor as a tool to protect themselves or to feel superior.
  (1)As we mature, both our physical bodies and mental outlooks grow and change. Since there is a certain amount of intelligence involved in "getting" a joke, our sense of humor becomes more developed as we learn more. By the time we're grown, we have experienced much of life, including tragedy and success. In keeping with these experiences, our senses of humor are more mature. We laugh at other people and ourselves in shared common predicaments and embarrassments. The adult sense of humor is usually characterized as ore subtle, more tolerant and less judgmental about the differences in people. (2)The things we find funny as a result of our age or developmental stage seem to be related to the stressors we experience during this time. Basically, we laugh at the issues that stress us out.

問1 下線部(1)を訳しなさい。
問2 下線部(2)を訳しなさい。
問3 小さい子どもの笑いの特徴を、本文に即して簡潔に説明しなさい。
問3 ティーン・エージャーの笑いの特徴を、本文に即して簡潔に説明しなさい。
問5 大人の笑いの特徴を、本文に即して簡潔に説明しなさい。

――大阪教育大学 前期日程/教育学部欧米言語文化(2月25日実施)――2006年

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【4229】Experts say that [大阪教育大学 和訳 2006] 管理人 07/2/22(木)

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