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【4065】Progress is a very recent {聖心女子大学 和訳 94}
 管理人 E-MAILWEB  - 06/10/13(金) -

 Progress is a very recent invention. In the age of Queen Elizabeth and William Shakespeare, men believed that the race was in a state of chronic decay. In spite of printing, the compass and gunpowder, the earlier was considered the riper world. Those who actually lived through what we have learnt to regard as one of the most brilliant and progressive epachs of all history regarded themselves as men of decadence. We, on the contrary, regard ourselves as men of the dawn and the threshold, an army in advance, not in retreat. It remains to be seen what the judgment of future hostorians will be.

1. 下線部を日本語に訳しなさい。
2. 筆者は、未来の歴史家が現代をいかに判断すると予想しているか、書きなさい。
3. 筆者がそのように予想する根拠を二つ挙げ、書きなさい。
――聖心女子大学 (2月1日実施)――94年

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【4065】Progress is a very recent {聖心女子大学 和訳 94} 管理人 06/10/13(金)

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