{{outline}} {{b_secret //{{layout rollout,title:メモ {{memo}} //}} }} !!!解説 {{b_secret {{youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxwIjh5ge7U&feature=youtu.be}} }} !!1 A girl sits down to a plate loaded with pizza. 出典: 不明(わかる方は下の掲示板からお知らせください) !!2 1. a device used for producing a much larger view of very small objects so that they can be seen clearly !!3 Drugs can be effective, but they can also have (  ) effects. !!4 Kim: Excuse me. Do you (36) to know where the café is? !!5 46. なぜその製品が十代の若者に非常に人気があるのか教えてくれませんか。 !!!参考 {{b_secret {{attach}} }} !!!掲示板 {{bbs2 サポート掲示板,20}} ---- {{b_secret {{category 過去問}} }} {{counter yourund}}