{{outline}} {{b_secret //{{layout rollout,title:メモ {{memo}} //}} }} !!!解説 !!1 In many US states today a boy or girl of eighteen can legally drive a car, vote, get married and have children, purchase and carry a deadly weapon such as a pistol or rifle, and serve the nation in the armed forces, possibly to die on the battlefield. 出典: "Lowering the Minimum Legal Drinking Age" by Aisla Vapeint (2014) {{b_secret {{youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TusaviJUPxs}} }} !!2 !!3 !!4 !!5 !!!参考 {{b_secret {{attach}} }} !!!掲示板 {{bbs2 サポート掲示板,20}} ---- {{b_secret {{category 過去問}} }} {{counter yourund}}