{{outline}} {{b_secret //{{layout rollout,title:メモ {{memo}} //}} }} !!!解説 {{b_secret {{youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-AIW1HOUJrg&feature=youtu.be}} }} !!1 A: Welcome to Tony's Pizza. !!2 (At a station) A: Excuse me. Could you tell me where the City Hall is? !!3 Many years ago on hot summer days, the children of the village often went swimming in the river. !!4 I've just heard that you fell and broke your leg yesterday and are in hospital now. !!5 If you want to be a good speaker of English, take advantage of every chance to speak English. !!6 The World Health Organization(WHO) is part of the United Nations. 参考: http://www.vox.com/2015/10/26/9617928/iarc-cancer-risk-carcinogenic !!7 One rainy Sunday, Anita woke up and looked outside. !!!参考 {{b_secret {{attach}} }} !!!掲示板 {{bbs2 サポート掲示板,20}} ---- {{b_secret {{category 過去問}} }} {{counter yourund}}