文法上あるいは語法上、誤りのあるものを1つ選びなさい。 [青山学院大]
They spoke each other.
They praised each other.
They saw each other.
They helped each other.
He has two brothers. One is in America and ( ) is in China. [東洋大]
(1) another (2) the other
(1)My sister is married to a foreigner.
(2)My sister is married a foreigner.
I don't mind leaving at six o'clock: ( ) up early. [共通一次]
(1) I used to getting (2) I was used to get (3) I'm used to get (4) I'm used to getting
( ) is the writer of this novel? [センター]
(1) Whom do you think
(2) Do you think who
(3) Do you think whom
(4) Who do you think
My sister was not a serious high school students, and ( ). [センター 2016本]
ア either I was イ either was I ウ neither I was エ neither was I
Tell me about it when you come back.
次の文の( )の@Aに入れるのに適当な組み合わせを1つ選べ。
They were ( @ ) to see the football.
= The football game made them ( A ). [東京学芸大附高]
(1)@ exciting A exciting (2)@ excited A excited
(3)@ exciting A excited (4)@ excited A exciting
Sometimes this engine will ( ) wrong without any apparent cause. [愛知工業大]
(1) go (2) come (3) make (4) have (5) leave
次の文のうち、文型が他と異なるものを1つ選びなさい。 [慶応大]
(1) They proved him a fraud.
(2) They fancied him a genius.
(3) They awarded him a prize.