
1. What is this?
→ What do you think this is?
2. What is in the box?
→ What do you think is in the box?
3. Who cooks dinner?
→ Who do you think cooks dinner?
4. What does Tom cook?
→ What do you think Tom cooks?
1. は、is this → this is のように疑問文の語順が肯定文の語順に戻りますが、2. では、what が主語になっているので、そのままの語順になります。


What (is / do you / this / think)? [大阪商大 2004]

なぜ私がそんことを彼女に話したと思いますか? [慶応大]
(you / do / I / told / why / think) her about it?

Why (a / Andy / be / did / in / John / might /position / think / to) give him some useful advice? [立命館大]

(do / keeping / think / what / you / the train / is)?

What time (the letter / will arrive / does / she / say)?

What language (do / is / spoken / think / you) in Mexico?

Who (right / do / think / is / the / person / you) for chairman?

How (he is / with / do you / getting along / imagine) his colleagues?

(think / how long / have / they / do you) been married?

(who / the first European / to discover / do you think / was) America? ※

To know how much time is needed to get to Medra University, you could ask:
(do / how long / it / think / you / will) take from here to Medra University? [センター 2009追]

A young American in a sports car came and took her out. (be / can / do / it / think / who / you)? [早稲田大]
