
■ 下から5つの語句を選んで並び替えなさい。

Mrs. Smith () () () she () () recently. [共通一次 82本]
■ made / had / puts on / is wearing / to tailor / it / that / the white suit

One of our problems () () () () () that the food supply is limitless. [共通一次 82本]
■ to believe / whether / is / in / tend / that / apt / we

Ken, by visiting me () () () () () up. [共通一次 82本]
■ caused / the trouble / to / of / me / calling him / saved / troublesome

世界の農作物の10 パーセントもが,田畑でむだになって市場までとどかないといわれている.
It is said that up to ten percent of the world's crops () () () () () in the fields. [共通一次 82本]
■ fail / we / waste / the market / to reach / it is impossible / in vain / because of

日本人が英語を学ぶのは,アメリカ人がドイツ語を学ぶよりも10 倍もむずかしいにちがいないと,ブラウンさんは言っている.
Mr. Brown says that learning English must be () () for a Japanese () () is (). [共通一次 82本]
■ than / learns / ten times / difficult / more difficult / an American / learning German / for an American

It seems that young children understand () () () () () they start talking themselves. [共通一次 82本]
■ as soon as / is said / a great deal of / before / that / what / around them / it

Some () () () () () there. [共通一次 82追]
■ hikes / climb / they are / simply because / a simple reason / mountains / mountaineers / mountaineering

道路を走っている自動車の数の増加は,60 年代の後半に切実な問題となり始めた.
The () () () () () the roads began to be a real problem in the late sixties. [共通一次 82追]
■ growth / cars / in / by / on / than / the number of / more and more

Soon afterwards they moved into the house in front of the park, () () () () () since. [共通一次 82追]
■ because / where / they / were living / lived / it / have / ever

The modern development of transportation () () () distances in a few hours that () () us weeks or even months. [共通一次 82追]
■ take / can / go / to travel / used to / has enabled / would have / us

Prices are going higher and higher. However, incomes () () () (). [共通一次 82追]
■ are not / are increasing / keeping / prices / up / with / as much / accord

It seems likely that the () () () () () thousands of years. [共通一次 82追]
■ later / for / has remained / continue / to stand / pyramids / will / should have