
■ 次の文を,=印の右に示したように,ほぼ同じ意味の文に書き換えるには,(  )の中にどの語または語句のうちどれを入れたらよいか、書き入れなさい。

He didn't arrive until the discussion was over.
= It () () () the discussion was over (that) he arrived. [共通一次 80本]
■ was / did / not / until / when / since / after / that

He doesn't dare leave the room for fear he should catch cold again.
= He doesn't dare leave the room () () () () catch cold again. [共通一次 80本]
■ in case / in order / he / as / not / that / to / so

Everyone is supposed to know the traffic rules.
= It () () () () that everyone knows the traffic rules. [共通一次 80本]
■ suppose / granted / is / should be / necessary / for / taken / everyone

She reminds me of her mother because of her good humor.
= She () () () () her mother because of her good humor. [共通一次 80本]
■ makes / forces / is / think / similar / of / to / me

I cannot understand their behavior.
= I cannot understand () () () () that. [共通一次 80本]
■ they / their / behave / behavior / because / why / like / for

If the patient takes this medicine, he'll recover from the disease.
= This medicine () () () () the disease. [共通一次 80本]
■ the patient / cure / will / of / from / for / is / good

His money was all stolen yesterday.
= He () () () money () yesterday. [共通一次 80追]
■ has / had / was / stolen / all / him / his / stole

They finished the work with ease.
= It () () () () to finish the work. [共通一次 80追]
■ easy / easily / was / to / they / them / for / with

I didn't go to the movies; I stayed home all day long instead.
= I stayed home all day long () () () () the movies. [共通一次 80追]
■ instead / without / but / of / for / to / going / go

You should have started earlier.
= I () () () () earlier. [共通一次 80追]
■ want / hope / wish / you / would / have / had / started

I was very happy when I heard that you had completely recovered.
= I was very happy to hear () () () (). [共通一次 80追]
■ at / of / you / your / recovered / recovery / complete / completely

I would rather take a taxi than walk in the rain.
= I () () () () in the rain. [共通一次 80追]
■ want / to / take a taxi / taking a taxi / walk / to walk / walking / prefer