
We made sure that the gate (come into / could / no one / so that / was locked) the factory without permission. [センター 2001本]

I didn't tell Mr. Yamamoto anything about the project, (all / as though / but / he knew / he spoke) about it. [センター 2001本]

In her letter, Paula seems (saying / she wants / that / to be / to quit her job) and study abroad. [センター 2001本]

Alan gave up his job as (found / he / impossible / it / to work) with his boss. [センター 2001追]

It is hard to believe that Martin's team, (be / said / to / was / which) unbeatable, should lose in the first round. [センター 2001追]

I've had so much to do at work recently and I'm really tired. I'd prefer to (at home / drive / my weekend / rather than / spend) all the way to Kyoto. [センター 2001追]