
If we want to (English / in / make / ourselves / understood), we need not only good language skills but also clear thinking and a broad general knowlege. [センター 2000本]

It was a quiet night, and (be / heard / sound / the only / to) was a dog barking in the distance. [センター 2000本]

A study shows that Japanese women bow more than men, and their bows last one-and-a-half seconds on average, (compared / less / one second / than / to) for men. [センター 2000本]

At the end of the lesson, one of the students asked the teacher to (the class / the exam / tell / when / would) be held. [センター 2000追]

For nature lovers, (is / more / nothing / refreshing / than) pure cold water from a mountain stream. [センター 2000追]

I was thinking of the speech (called / I had to / make / my name / when I heard). [センター 2000追]