
"Mr. Smith's talking on another phone. Please (and I'll / as soon as / he's free / hold on a minute / put you through)." [センター 92本]

I went to the new shop to buy a sweater, but they had (from / I was / so many / that / to choose) completely at a loss. [センター 92本]

In Japan, people often perform activities in groups, and (Japanese people travel / more clearly than / nothing / shows this / the way in which). [センター 92本]

Unless you're going to use it regularly, (an expensive dictionary / buying / it's / no use / such). [センター 92追]

How children feel about the world is largely determined (by / from / get / the care and attention / they) their parents. [センター 92追]

Democratic decisions are made by majority vote, which is based on the idea that (is better than / of the few / of the many / that / the judgment). [センター 92追]