
試行テスト(1988年12月 実施)より――

■第4問 与えられた地図を参考にして次の文章を読み、下の問(A、B)に答えよ。


 Last Tuesday the weather was fine, so Brian decided to walk from his house to the bus stop. He caught the bus at 8:25, arrived at the terminal half an hour later and then walked to his office where he was just in time to start work at 9:00.
 He had lunch in the staff restaurant and then walked to a bookstore to buy a golf magazine. Then he strolled back to the office reading the magazine along the way.
 In the evening after work he set off on foot for the terminal, but half way there he remembered that he had left his magazine in the office. He went back, picked up the magazine and phoned his wife to ask her to meet him at the bus stop in her car. He then walked to the terminal with his boss. He caught the 6:25 bus, so he was home in time to watch his favorite golf program which started at 7:00.

■A 次の問い(問1~3)の空欄に入れるのに最も適切なものを、それぞれ下のア~エから選び、解答欄に書き入れなさい。

It took Brian about () minutes to walk from the terminal to his office.
ア 5 イ 10 ウ 15 エ 20

Brian asked his wife to meet him at the bus stop because ().
ア he wanted to get his golf magazine
イ he was eager to watch TV
ウ he was going to play golf
エ it had started to rain

Brian walked about () last Tuesday.
ア 2,700m イ 2,850m ウ 2,950m エ 3,200m

ア Brian's house is located south of the bus stop and to the east of the lake.
イ The 6:25 bus crossed the river which flows from the southeast into the lake.
ウ The 8:25 bus went north of the lake, over the bridge, and east to the terminal.
エ To get to the bookstore from the bus terminal one must walk to the southwest.
