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2018年慶應義塾大学 商(2月14日実施)



Every new technology raises fears that some jobs will be lost and hopes that new jobs will be created.
出典: https://www.theguardian.com/business/economics-blog/2017/jan/22/the-new-robot-revolution-will-take-the-bosss-job-not-the-gardeners


Decades ago, work was a major source of friendships in America.
出典: https://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/06/opinion/sunday/adam-grant-friends-at-work-not-so-much.html


When John Sauven, executive director at Greenpeace UK, heard a woman complain on the radio that supermarket croissants were cheaper to buy wrapped in plastic than paper, he was so startled he went straight to his local Co-op.
出典: https://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/2017/aug/02/coca-cola-big-corporations-waste-crisis-plastics-recycling-packaging-circular-economy


The practice of naming storms (tropical cyclones) began years ago in order to help in the quick identification of storms in warning messages because names are (32) to be far easier to rremember than numbers and technical terms.
出典: https://public.wmo.int/en/About-us/FAQs/faqs-tropical-cyclones/tropical-cyclone-naming


It (  ) occuurred to me that he (  ) miss the chance.


In the event of nuclear war, the British government has at least one shelter hidden away in the very heart of London.


Cultural heritage generally (a) to mind artifacts, historical monuments and buildings, as well as archaeological sites.




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