

●あと、できそうなこととして、リスニングについて、それから、発音記号とかもできるのでは? それから、読解問題とか、たとえば、何秒で読めるかどうかというのも出してもいいのではないだろうか?

□第1回 From this area come most of the potatoes.


□第2回 Mr. Holmes remained silent for a while ...

準備中 おもしろかったです。――さらに というようにリンクしておいてもいいのではないだろうか? ●考える●
これは、何度かに分けたほうがいいのではないだろうか? つまり、副詞節の3つの性質とか、または、文型とか、または、分詞構文とかもいれておいてもいいのでは?

□第3回 important はどうして「重要」? 単語


□第4回 準動詞について


□第5回 The analysis of the food showed .... 和訳問題


□第6回 As の秘密


□第7回 It is often said that we can never tell what another ....

空所補充問題 Write the number of the clause (1〜7) that corresponds to each of the letters in brackets (a〜g). Each number can only be used once. It is often said that we can never tell what another person is thinking, and by this is meant ( a ), in a direct way, to that person alone. What is true about this claim is ( b ). What does not follow, however, is ( c ) in the sense of not being available in principle to scientific observation. The behaviour of people may give only a rough or a false impression of ( d ). But, when they are speaking, it seems fair to say that, except under unusual circumstances, ( e ): We know what they are thinking from ( f ). In conversation, people express their thoughts, and even ( g ), their thoughts are potential utterances. ================= 1 what they say is what they think 2 that thoughts are essentially inaccessible and subjective 3 when they think in silence 4 that we can normally conceal our thoughts from others 5 what they are saying 6 that another person's thoughts are available 7 what they are thinking ================= [慶応大学]

□第8回 、リスニングについて、


□第9回 読解問題


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