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【8658】not A nor B/not A or B
質問  M.Hoshi  - 07/3/26(月) -

この2つのケーキを食べてはいけません。これも、あれも、どちらもだめです。  [上智大]
   You can't eat all of these two cakes -- not this, or that one. 
 You can't eat either of these two cakes -- not this, nor that one. 
 You can't eat any of these two cakes -- not this, either that one. 
 You can't eat both of these two cakes -- not this, either that one.

not A, or Bで「AもBも・・・ない」というA and Bの否定、つまり両方否定になるのではないでしょうか。
38 hits

【8658】not A nor B/not A or B M.Hoshi 07/3/26(月) 質問
┗ 【8661】Re:not A nor B/not A or B 管理人 07/3/26(月)
┗ 【8664】Re:not A nor B/not A or B M.Hoshi 07/3/26(月)

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