次の問いにおいて、それぞれ下の1.〜5.の語句を並びかえて空所を補い、文を完成せよ。ただし、解答は(20)〜(25)にいれるものの番号のみを答えよ。 問1 Since my secretary didn't take the name of the visitor, I couldn't (a) (b) .
(1) see (2) be sure (3) me (4) who (5) had come to ans:41 mis1: missmissmrs mismes: Since my secretary didn't take the name of the visitor, I couldn't be sure (a)who had come to (b)see me. digest: anstype:1 #cgs02h-2♀ q: In the 21st century, we can expect scientific advances to give (a) (b) a comfortable and easy life.
(1) ever (2) leading (3) more people (4) than (5) the means of ans:45 mis1: missmissmrs mismes: In the 21st century, we can expect scientific advances to give more people (a)than ever (b)the means of leading a comfortable and easy life. digest: anstype:1 #cgs02h-3♀ q: Barbara has always been interested in history, so the news (a) (b) he very sad.
(1) made (2) that (3) the museum (4) to close (5) was ans:34 mis1: missmissmrs mismes: Barbara has always been interested in history, so the news that (a)the museum was (b)to close made he very sad. digest: anstype:1
take off 離陸する の反対は?