>問題文 次の文章の空欄に入れる3つの文が、順不同で、それぞれ下の A 〜 C に示されている。意味の通る文章にするのに最も適した配列を1つ選びなさい。
>If there were no public health service, people might be much more conscious of the need to look after themselves. ( ) Provisions would have to be made for such people.
>A: Of course, some illness are not necessarily the responsibility of the person who has them.
>B: For example, they would do more physical exercise, stop smoking and drinking and so on.
>C: This is because they would know that they could not fall back on a free service if they did get ill through their own excesses. [杏林大]
>正解 B-C-A