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【184】レベル6 When Red Riding Hood visits her
レベル6  管理人  - 04/3/17(水) -

  When Red Riding Hood visits her grandmother she finds that a wolf has wrongfully taken the grandmother's place. The protective, kindly figure has been replaced by a dangerous and destructive creature. It is this exchange of figures which makes the story particularly alarming. To meet a wolf unexpectedly is frightening enough, but to find that one's loving grandmother has turned into this terrifying beast is to add to the situation that basic insecurity which springs from a sudden loss of trust in a person upon whom one relies. [浜松医大]

to find that one's loving grandmother has turned into this terrifying beast is to add to the situation that basic insecurity which springs from a sudden loss of trust in a person upon whom one relies.
582 hits

【184】レベル6 When Red Riding Hood visits her 管理人 04/3/17(水) レベル6
┗ 【708】Re:レベル6 When Red Riding Hood visits her 真理 06/1/7(土)
┗ 【715】■8.5/10■ 管理人 06/1/16(月)
┗ 【716】有難うございました 真理 06/1/16(月)
┗ 【717】Re:有難うございました 管理人 06/1/16(月) がんばれ、がんばれ

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