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【160】レベル3 Vending machines for juice and coffee
一応終了しましたが、質問があれば投稿してください。  管理人  - 04/3/15(月) -

   Vending machines for juice and coffee are now found everywhere and people consider them to be very convenient. It's now easy to get a cold drink no matter where we are. Unfortunately, however, they really aren't very friendly to the environment. Since many of them stand in the hot sun, they require a considerable amount of electricity to operate. [京産大]

157 hits

【160】レベル3 Vending machines for juice and coffee 管理人 04/3/15(月) 一応終了しましたが、質問があれば投稿してください。
┗ 【162】Re: Vending machines for juice and coffee awa 04/3/15(月)
┗ 【178】9/10 管理人 04/3/17(水) [添付]
┗ 【187】Re:9/10 awa 04/3/17(水) 解決

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