New House
A family had spent the day moving from their farmhouse into a brand new house in a development nearby.
Very early the next morning, their 3 year-old son ran in to the parent's bedroom to wake them up.
The mother dressed him and told him to play in the yard.
About 20 minutes later, he came running back.
"Mommy, Mommy," he exclaimed, "Everybody has doorbells -- and they all work!"
・spent the day moving ... / 一日を引越すのにすごした
・development / 造成地、団地
・their 3 year-old son / 3歳の息子 years と複数形にはならないことに注意。
「ママ、ママ! みんな、ドアのチャイムがついてるよ。おとなりもそのおとなりも、そのまた、おとなりも――。そいでね、ぜんぶなったんだよ」