>問題文 There is nothing ( ) we are apt to be so wasteful as of time. [同志社大]
>正解 of which
>貴方の答え that
>答えは何故of whichになるのでしょうか?
There is nothing.という文と
We are apt to be so wasteful of nothing as of time.
一方、後半のwe are apt ...の文の中でのこの先行詞nothingの役割はbe wasteful ofの目的語で
we are apt to be so wasteful [of nothing] as (we are apt to be wasteful) of time.(注;be wasteful of〜で「〜を無駄使いする」の意味)ですから
There is nothing which/that we are apt to be so wasteful of as of time.
でもかまわないのですがwastefulのあとのofがポツンと浮いてしまいますのでこのofを先行詞と関係代名詞の間に移動させます。そうするとof whichという語順は可能ですがof thatの語順は許されませんので、of whichが正解になります。