問題文 次の各文から文法的に正しいものを4つ選び、番号で答えなさい。 例:1234
(1) It is very happy for me to have you with us.
(2) He is very satisfactory to hera that she is coming home.
(3) She is sure to make an able scholar.
(4) It is now known that more than one driver is missing.
(5) Eighty pounds are too much to pay.
(6) She is the one whom I think saw what happened.
(7) There are some patients the seriousness of whose illness makes it impossible to treat them at home.
(8) He gave apples to whomever visited his garden.
(9) Do you think your father would object to lend me some money?
(10) The speaker said he would confine himself to trying to answer three questions. [早稲田大-教育]
正解 34710