問題文 次の文のうち誤っている文が3つある。誤っている文の記号を答えなさい。 例:abc
(a) I heartily wish you every success.
(b) It is silly to ask me who know nothing about it.
(c) It was a fair, warm day in the fall.
(d) He called both of us -- Robert and I -- by telephone.
(e) The guests of honor will be the co-captains: you and he.
(f) We expressed Mary our thanks.
(g) He sometimes forgets his gentlemanly habits.
(h) The meeting will be held on October 5.
(i) A series of misfortunes have happened to his family.
(j) His refusal of playing the baseball game provoked the boys.
注――元の問題は誤っている文の番号を答え、誤った部分を訂正しなさい。というものだった。 [慶応大-経済・改]
正解 dfj