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【157】レベル4 It is not true that age and 管理人 04/3/15(月) 一応終了しましたが、質問があれば投稿してください。

【292】Re: It is not true that age and 真理 04/3/31(水)
┗ 【332】8.5/10 管理人 04/4/19(月) [添付]
┗ 【338】Re:8.5/10 真理 04/4/19(月) 解決

【292】Re: It is not true that age and
 真理  - 04/3/31(水) -

>  It is not true that age and position play no part in American social relations, but they do not have the kind of absolute value which they do in Japan. The United States is not so strictly organized into various levels as Japan.
>  Friendships do form among students of the same age and school class, of course. (1)It is easier to make friends with people you meet every day in class and with whom you enjoy sports. As you grow up together you share similar problems at the same time, which tends to make you feel comfortable with one another. Those in a grade above you seem to be much older and have experiences in life which you have not yet encountered and therefore do not understand so well. (2)You have already passed through some experiences still to be met by those in the grades below you. So there is some element of feeling superior and inferior to others in respect to age and class in the United States, just as there is in Japan. [京産大]

 真理 高2

 1) 授業で毎日顔をあわせたり共にスポーツを
 2) あなたたちよりも下の学年の学生たちがこ

 管理人  - 04/4/19(月) -


・名前 : r75(6).gif
・サイズ : 0.6KB
>>  It is not true that age and position play no part in American social relations, but they do not have the kind of absolute value which they do in Japan. The United States is not so strictly organized into various levels as Japan.
>>  Friendships do form among students of the same age and school class, of course. (1)It is easier to make friends with people you meet every day in class and with whom you enjoy sports. As you grow up together you share similar problems at the same time, which tends to make you feel comfortable with one another. Those in a grade above you seem to be much older and have experiences in life which you have not yet encountered and therefore do not understand so well. (2)You have already passed through some experiences still to be met by those in the grades below you. So there is some element of feeling superior and inferior to others in respect to age and class in the United States, just as there is in Japan. [京産大]
> 真理 高2
> 1) 授業で毎日顔をあわせたり共にスポーツを
>   楽しんだりする学生たちと友人になるのはた
>   やすいことだ。
> 2) あなたたちよりも下の学年の学生たちがこ
>   れから出くわすはずのいくつかの経験を既に
>   して来ている。


→「学生たちと友人になる」と書いてしまうと、まるで学生でない人が学生たちと友達になるという感じがします。ここは、文字通り、people 「人」でいいのでは? または、同級生でもいいでしょう。

(2)...passed through some experiences still to be met by those in the grades below you
ちょっとややこしいのはこの部分くらいでしょう。passed through は、「〜を経験する」という意味。動詞+前置詞で1つの他動詞になっている。その目的語が、some experiences 。still ...you までが some experiences にかかる不定詞の形容詞用法。
some experiences are still to be met by those
というように考えてみるとわかりやすい。ここで、are... to V は、「予定、義務など」を表す。直訳すると、「いくつかの経験はまだ人々によって経験されていない」だが、能動態( those are still to meet some experiences )にして訳したほうが日本語としては自然。「人々は、まだいくつかの経験をしていない」
those は「人々」という意味。in the grades...you は those を修飾する形容詞句。



【r75(6).gif : 0.6KB】

解決  真理  - 04/4/19(月) -


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