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   allow      depend      environment      happy      modern      political      understand      wishes   

    Today is often called the Age of Science, because there have been many scientific discoveries which have influenced our daily lives in many ways, making them different from those of our ancestors. The conveniences of our growing cities show how science has changed much of our and way of life. But are we right in calling the present times scientific? Are we truly scientific in our ways of thinking?
    The process of science has been brought about by only a small number of people. Most of us are to enjoy the benefits which science has provided without trying to the principles behind them. In fact, in our everyday affairs we are generally very unscientific. In our discussions of social and problems, we our feelings to decide our views.
    Many of the decisions we make daily are influenced by our personal beliefs and . We seldom upon facts to support our opinions. Quite obviously, we could save ourselves much trouble if we were more scientific in our attitude.