中学部 難関高校受験

■中1  ■中2  ■中3年  ■難関高校受験 ■掲示板 ■英検*


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Are you looking for Bill Cross?
(  ) Bill Cross (  ) (  ) (  ) (  ) you?  [早大高等学院]



★今日の読解問題―― Once there was a princess. She was called Ann. The Princess Ann loved hiding. She hid in the garden and her friends came and found her. Then her friends hid and she found them. She loved hiding and being found. ――レベル5―海城高

★今日の読み物―― Have you ever heard of Angel Falls? It's the highest waterfall in the world, deep in the jungles of Venezuela. Few people have ever seen Angel Falls. It's very hard to get there. If you go by land, you――レベル7

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■単元別文法 ※学年別の学習範囲は教科書によって異なります。

※教科書別 ニュー・クラウン / ニュー・ホライズン / サンシャイン / トータルイングリッシュ

★今日の読み物―― Dinosaurs lived on earth for more than 140 million years. Then, about 65 million years ago, they died out. All the dinosaurs died almost at the same time! Why? No one knows. There were no human beings around to see that. Scientists can only use second-hand evidence to find out what happened. They sometimes find bones and eggs of dinosaurs under the ground ――レベル6

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