
解説/ 基本問題/ 標準問題/ 発展問題/




□ Do you know when (  )? [明治大付属明治高]
(1) does the play start (2) will the play start  (3) the play will start  (4) the play has started

□ We will start when (  ). [明治大付属明治高]
(1) he will get back  (2) will he get back  (3) he gets back (4) does he get back

□ We will go on a picnic if it (  ) fine tomorrow. [目白学園高]
(1)is (2)will be (3)has been (4)been

□ Tom (  ) when his father comes back.  [修道高]
(1)left (2)will leave  (3)has left  (4)leave 

□ I will write to you as soon as I (  ) in New York.  [早稲田高]
(1)arrive  (2)will arrive  (3)reach  (4)will reach

□ I cannot tell if the group (  ) tomorrow.  [白稜高]
(1)returns (2)will return (3)returned (4)return

□ I'll phone you as soon as I (  ) in London.  [星雲高]
(1)arrive (2)arrived (3)will arrive

□ If it (  ) tomorrow, we won't go out.  [星雲高]
(1)will be rain (2)is rain (3)rains (4)will rain

□ I will not go on a picnic if it (  ) tomorrow.  [城北高]
(1)rains  (2)will rain  (3)would rain  (4)is raining



12時制 (能動態)

Did you drive a car? (進行形に)

12時制 (受動態)

He will write a letter. (受動態に)


We will go on a picnic if it (  ) fine tomorrow. [目白学園高]
(1)is (2)will be (3)has been (4)been


次の各組の英文の中に、正しいものが1つあります。その文を選び、記号で答えなさい。  [学習院高等科]
(1) When have you been to London?   (2) I am not believing that he told the truth.  (3) It has been dry these two months, so we'll be glad if it will rain soon.  (4) I lived in France for five years when I was a child.


He (  ) in Nagasaki for three years when he was young.   [青雲高]
(1)lives (2)lived (3)has lived (4)is living