次の英文の( )内の語を適当な形にして書きなさい。
You didn't say anything when we were (have) dinner this evening. [高知県]
( )に適語を入れよ。
Wood is made ( ) paper. [東大寺学園高]
A: Do you feel like going to the show tonight?
B: Not really. ( ) TV at home. [白梅学園短大]
(1) I'd rather watch (2) I'd rather to watch (3) I'd prefer (4) I'd prefer watch
A: Do you mind ( ) I turn on the radio?
B: Not at all. [英検準2級]
を聴いて、その質問に答えなさい。 [英検準2級]
(1)She looks for work in the city.
(2)She checks the newspaper.
(3)She goes to the country.
(4)She sells newspapers.