レベル別 今日の読み物

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"Dave, what is your favorite food?"
"I like hamburgers."
-- Question: Does Dave like hamburgers? ...レベル1 [英検5級]


Emi, a junior high school student, is walking to school on Monday morning. She meets an American on the street.... レベル2 [英検5級]


A Tea Party Amy is 14 years old and lives in England. One Sunday morning she called her friends, Jane and Wendy, and said, "Let's have ... レベル3 [英検4級]



What do you know about the sea? Most of you have played in it. You know that it looks very pretty when the sun is shining on it. You also know that it is dangerous when the weather is very bad. What else do you know about it?――レベル5


"What's wrong with you, Ken?" Sam said to his friend. "I think I need Mary Ann's ideas. I have a problem now and I must tell someone. I can't do my schoolwork. I can't sleep at night," said Ken.――レベル6


When you travel in a car or train, you go past people and trees and houses. Then suddenly you come to a river or a valley, but you don't have to slow up. You go on running or driving forward as there is nothing to stop you.――レベル7[東海大]


Get on a train and it is likely that several people around you will be wearing earphones. There they are in the same space, but not talking or paying attention to one another. Though listening to a personal tape player this way has some virtue in that you don't usually disturb others, it allows almost no human contact. You are alone with your machine....レベル8 [センター]


Building for India's Future
India now has a population of around 1 billion people. Every two seconds another baby is born. By the middle of the twenty-first century, more people will be living in India than in China. That will give India the world's largest population. India's rapidly growing population has made homelessness a very serious problem there. ...レベル9[英検準2級]


Going to the shore on the first morning of the vacation. Jerry stopped and looked at a wild and rocky bay, and then over to the crowded beach he knew so well from other year. His mother looked back at him...レベル10 [センター]


Cigarettes seem to be going out of style with teens. A survey done by the University of Michigan shows a sharp drop in the number of teenagers who say they smoke cigarettes. ...レベル11 [帝塚山大]


By the end of last summer, Dr. David Hursh had noticed that his two sons, aged 8 and 12, were spending more time in front of the television set than doing just about anything else except sleep and eat....レベル15 [早稲田大・人間工学]


Protecting the Bluefin
There are many kinds of tuna, but the biggest and most magnificent among them is the bluefin tuna. The largest members of the species can live for 40 years, grow to 3 meters in length, and weigh up to 400 kilograms. The bluefin is found all across the globe, but the most valuable kind, the southern bluefin, usually swims in the colder areas of the seas in the southern hemisphere. ... レベル13 [英検2級]

レベル14 このレベルの長文のリストを表示します。

I don't do as many things I don't like to do as I had to when I was young.
Except that you have more years ahead of you, youth isn't necessarily a better time of life than any other. When I was young, I was always having to do things I hated.....レベル14


At the University of Kansas Art Museum, University researchers tested the effects of different colored walls on two groups of visitors to an exhibit of paintings. For the first group the room was...レベル15 [英検1級リスニング]


When we talk about intelligence, we do not mean the ability to get a good score on a certain test, or even the ability to do well in school; these are at best only indicators of something larger, deeper, and far more important. By intelligence we mean a style of life, a way of behaving in various situations, and particularly in new, strange and perplexing situations. The true test of intelligence is not how much we know how to do, but how we behave when we don't know what to do. ...レベル16 [関西大学]


Wheels of Fortune
"Cycle tracks will abound in Utopia," wrote English author H. G. Wells. In his vision of a flawless world, the bicycle would be the preferred way for people to get from A to B. Although Wells was writing in 1905 before the age of automobile, ...レベル17 [英検準1級]


American thinking tends to move from the specific and small to the general and large. American progress from personal and local issues to the state and finally to the nation -- not the other way around. ...レベル18 [英検1級リスニング]


Where was the first city? Fifty years ago, archaeologists would have pointed to Mesopotamia, the land between the Rivers Tigiris and Euphrates. Here, it was thought, was the 'cradle of civilization,' the area that produced the great cities of Ur and Babylon. This surely was the place where urban life began and from where the idea of the city spread to the rest of Asia and to Europe...レベル15 [早稲田大]


There's a funny story that anthropologists* tell to demonstrate how many different ways the same things can be named and classified, depending on the culture doing the naming. A group of anthropologists were giving a sort of IQ test ...レベル20 [東京大学]


The degree to which males and females are socially unequal has varied, both cross-culturally and historically, from near equality to radical female disadvantage. Such variation is linked to the type of technology and economy (e.g., industrial, agrarian, horticultural, foraging) and to women's role in the economy. Women's status relative ...レベル20 [慶応義塾大学 環境情報学部]