In today's program

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    In today's program I'll tell you an amazing story about something that happened in Bermuda about fifty years ago. A powerful hurricane was approaching the island, so all the people were to protect their homes the strong winds and high waves that were sure to hit. As the storm swept within ten miles of Bermuda's coast, the winds the island's palm trees down to the ground. It was such a strong hurricane that destruction on a large scale seemed certain. Suddenly, the weather forecasters were shocked to find out that there was not one, but two powerful storms approaching the island. In fact, the first hurricane was by an even more powerful one. The island appeared to be doomed. But then a very strange thing happened. The second storm to the first one that both were thrown . The storms changed direction and blew out to sea where they their f on the empty ocean. Glorious weather returned to Bermuda. as it sounds, the island was from one hurricane by another.