
My friend, who can play basketball very well, practices (as / as often / do / I / three times). [センター 2013本]

Mary: What are some of the reasons for your successful career?
Toshio: Mainly, I (am / I / owe / to / what) my uncle. He was the one who would always help me when I was in trouble. [センター 2013本]

Kevin: What's the legal driving age in your country?
Mie: In Japan, when people become eighteen, they (are / enough / get / old / to) a driver's license. [センター 2013本]

Salesclerk: How about these tires? They're on sale.
Customer: They're OK, but the ones over there (are / eco-friendly / more / much / than / these), aren't they? [センター 2013追]

Hitomi: Eric! Long time no see!
Eric: Hello, Hitomi. It's good to see you again, too. I really (all the way / appreciate / coming / to / to talk / you) me. [センター 2013追]

Susan: Did you hike to the top of the mountain?
Jan: No. It began to rain heavily, so we (but / choice / had / no / return / to) to the campground. [センター 2013追]